Thursday, February 4, 2010

Beautiful Buffalo Hollow

Ready to unwind and just chill for a while? Early August in Northeast Ohio is the perfect time for an outdoor concert event. The grounds at Buffalo Hollow provide for one of the most beautiful venues you could ask for.

Pass through the covered bridge to enter the hollow.

Come to our new Buffalo Hollow Blitz! - 2010 party, August 12 through 15 and be a part of our relaxed, no hassles atmosphere. Ride in on your motorcycle, trike, camper, or truck. Many people trailer in their own golf carts, and many other strange looking contraptions. There are few events left in the country that allow this.


Eric said...

Well work has been postponed until we can get rid of some of this white stuff. Two feet here at the hollow and -10 degrees just can't get a whole lot done. Doesn't look like it will let up any time soon either. I think we will be having snow ball fights in August this year

Eric said...

We have been talking with a National Act to bring them in to The "Blitz" this year. We are very close to announcing them so stay tuned... I will let you know oncew the deal is inked

Eric said...

I am happy to announce that this years Featured Band for the 2010 "Blitz" WILL be none other that "THE OUTLAWS"

Those of you that have been coming to the parties at the hollow know that in 2007 we had The Outlaws
Shortly after which Hughie Past away. We figured that this would be it for the band. Then Henry Paul one of the founding members of the band stepped up and rejoined the band the rest is going to go down in History

Eric said...

Well it actually got above frezing today :) feels like a freakin heat wave at 38 degrees